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hannah barrett

Sorting Out Your School Stress

This is a post moved from my old blog:

After spending at least half a night laying and thinking about this, I’ve finally decided to get up and attempt to turn my woes into something productive: a blog post about advice for school stress.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m clearly not an expert on this. I’m 15. And saying that, I should probably take the advice that I’m about to give to anyone who’s reading this that’s in a similar state of mind to me.

So, it’s happened to all of us. We’re having a great time on our summer holidays; sleeping, not doing homework, eating, seeing friends, not doing homework, you know the drill. Then it gets to September, and the responsibility of school hits you like a huge, maths book-shaped truck.

The panic sets in. You uproot your school bag from underneath a pile of clothes, rubbish and shopping bags, only to find a mess of miscellaneous notes from various lessons. Then once you actually

find your planner, you see the work and the next stage kicks in.


Desperately seeking something to do that isn’t your work, anything, knowing full well you’ll come back and be under even more time pressure. Congratulations, you’ve played yourself.

The last stage of the summer holidays (hopefully) is completing your homework to a standard you’re somewhat happy with. You’ve had barely any time, right? Well, wrong, you just haven’t been bothered, but at least it’s over and done with now. And then you’re back in school.

Even though the summer holidays are supposed to be a time or students to relax, unwind and catch up with friends, for me and multiple others its just a period of worrying about what you’re going back into in six weeks’ time.

Saying that, without further ado, I think now’s what we’ve all been desperately waiting for: Hannah’s Guide to School Stress (I’ll sign autographs later).

Okay, step one’s a boring one. We’ve all been told it many times by every adult ever, but staying organised will seriously keep the stress levels down when it comes to school, especially if you’re busy a lot. If you’re out with friends on a weekend there’s always that looming feeling of homework waiting for you ominously at home, so seriously: TRY TO GET IT DONE EARLY.

By now I’m fully aware that this sounds like a rant from a parent or a teacher. And I’m fully aware that I’m the biggest hypocrite ever by telling people to do the things I most definitely don’t do. But hey,

we can all help each other, right?

That’s another thing: talking to your friends about your struggles will seriously lift some of the weight of responsibility off your shoulders. After all, they’re going through similar things and school stress manifests itself in different ways within all of us. Even the people that look like they’re coping are probably screaming on the inside as much as us!

It might seem like we have a huge load of work heaped onto us right now, but remember to take a moment to step outside of your life and reflect on what you have to do. It might seem less daunting when you take a look at the big picture.

Even though my adult-esque rant has turned into some sort of motivational speech, what I’m trying to say is genuinely important. School can be draining on a near-daily basis, and thats not surprising given the pressure from exams, homework and punctuality, but if you’re able to keep your stress under control you can flip the experience on its head and make it into the best years of your life.

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